Elijah's Prayer Answered
1 Kings 18:16-45 (NIV)

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Just as Elijah prophesied there was no rain in Israel for parts of 3 years which caused a great famine in the land. In the third year God told Elijah to tell Ahab that God would end the drought and send rain. Read about Elijah's conversation with Ahab and how he proved to the people that Jehovah was the true God.
Read 1Kings 18:16-45 (NIV) solve the
crossword puzzle below.

3. Ahab was told to summon the  ________
(vs. 19)
5. ________ told the people: "If the Lord is God follow him." (vs.21)
8. Ahab had ____________ the LORD's commands. (vs. 18)
10. The ______ of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice. (vs. 38)
11. The sky grew black with clouds and there was a heavy _______. (45)

1. The prophets of Baal assembled on Mount ________. (vs. 19)
2. Elijah had a trench dug around the altar and then poured ________ over the offering and the wood three times. (vs.33-35)
4. Elijah told the prophets of Baal to shout ________ . (vs.27)
6. ______ went to meet Elijah (vs. 16)
7. The people cried, "The LORD - he is _____. (vs. 39)
8. Elijah asked God to _________ his prayer and burn up the sacrifice.

(vs 36)
9. Elijah took 12 ______ to build an altar for the LORD. (vs.31)

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