The Crucifixion of Jesus
Luke 23:26-49 (NIV)

The religious leaders in Jerusalem did not believe that Jesus was the son of God and they did not like his popularity among the people. They wanted him dead and set our to have him arrested. You can read about his arrest and trial in Luke 22:47-71; 23:1-25 (NIV). Jesus was condemned to die on a cross. Read about Jesus crucifixion in Luke 23:26 (NIV) and complete the crossword puzzle below.

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1. Jesus called out, "______________ into your hands I commit my spirit." (vs.46)
2. Simon from Cyrene carried the _______ for Jesus. (vs.26)
4. The soldiers __________ him. (vs.36)
5. Jesus said, "Father ____________ them, for they know not what they are doing. (vs.34)
8. The rulers said, "He saved others let him _______  himself. . . " (vs.35)
9. A Large number of people followed Jesus and ______________ for him. (vs.27)
2. Jesus was _____________ between two criminals (vs.32)
3. They divided up his clothes by casting _______ (vs.34)
6. At the 6th hour the curtain of the _________ was torn in two. (vs. 45)
7. There was a notice written above Jesus that read: This is the _________ of Jews. (vs.38)

John 3:16, 17 (NIV) tells us that God in his great love gave his son to die for us.
Read those verses and fill in the blanks below to see why.

"For God so _ _ _ _ _ the world that he _ _ _ _ his one and only _ _ _ ,
that whosoever _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in him shall not _ _ _ _ _ _ but have
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to _ _ _ _ the world through him."