The Fall of Jericho
Joshua 6 (NIV)

When the Canaanite Kings heard how the LORD had dried up the Jordan River before the Israelites, they were afraid. The people of the city of Jericho shut up thier city gates and hoped to be safe behind the strong city walls. But God gave Joshua instruction on how to get into the city of Jericho (Joshua 6:1-5). He followed God's instructions. Read what happened in Joshua 6:6-27 to finish the crossword puzzle.

1. On the seventh day the people marched around the city _________ times. (6:15)
3. The Israelites marched around ______ for 6 days (6:10)
5. On the 7th day, after they circled the city 7 times, the priests sounded the trumpet ______. (6:16)
6. The ____ was carried behind the 7 priests who carried trumpets.
7. The 7 priests carried __________ made from
ram horns.

1. The people were to give a loud _____ when the trumpets were blown. (6:20)
2. The wall of the city _____________ when the people gave a loud shout. (6:20)

4. As was promised _______ and her family were kept safe. (6:22-23)

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