Divided Kingdom

When King Solomon died Rehoboam, his son, became the next King. The people said
to Rohoboam: "Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor. . .
and we will serve you." (1Kings 12:4 NIV) Rehoboam asked the elders for their
advice and then asked the young men he grew up with for their advice.

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Read 1 Kings 12:7 (NIV) to see what the elders advised.

"If today you will be a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to
these people and serve them and give them a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ answer they will
always be your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _."

Read 1 Kings 12:11 (NIV) to see what the young men advised.

"Tell theses people . . . "My _ _ _ _ _ _ laid
on you a _ _ _ _ _ yoke; I will make it
even _ _ _ _ _ _ _."

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Rehoboam took the advice of the young men.  When the Israelites heard his answer they were very angry and said they wanted another man be their king. His name was Jeroboam. So the 10 tribes of Israel had Jeroboam as their king and the 2 tribes of Judah and Benjamin kept Rehoboam as their king.

Rehoboam wanted to go to war to force the 10 tribes to accept him as king but God told him not to. Israel was now divided into two kingdoms: Israel to the North and Judah to the South.

Fill in the blank spaces on the map with the names of the two Kingdoms.