John the Baptist
Prepares the Way for Jesus - Matthew 3 (NIV)

God had a special work for John the Baptist. He was to prepare the people so they could accept God's son. First they needed to repent of their sins. The prophet Isaiah prophesied about John. Read what he said in Matthew 3:3

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1.  John's message was to ________ . (vs.2)
2.  Jesus came form Galilee to the Jordan river to be ____________ by John. (vs.13)
3.  John ate ___________ and honey in the desert. (vs.4)
4.  Many people confessed their sins and were baptized by John in the ________ river. (vs.6)
1.  When Jesus came out of the water John saw the spirit of God descent like a ________ on Jesus. (vs.16)
2.  John wore clothes made of _________ hair. (vs.4)
3.  John ___________ in the desert of Judea. (vs.1)
4.  ___________ asked John to baptize him. (vs.13-15)

Take the letters that are circled in the crossword puzzle above and unscramble them to see what God had to say about His Son Jesus after he was baptized by John.

A voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
." (vs.17)