Donations Your contributions make it possible for The Church of God, Ministries International to fulfill Christ's command to spread His gospel throughout the world. We are told FREELY WE RECEIVE AND FREELY WE GIVE. Here at Church of God, Ministries International over the past year we have mailed out and given away over 45,000 DVD's; 8,000 News Letters all at no charge. This is done by the Tithes from our members and the generous donations of our visitors.
We are also involved with God's Unchanging Word which produces an Internet TV program covering World Events that relate to Biblical Prophecy and what it means to God's people. Along with the Internet TV, God's Unchanging Word has interview Best Selling Authors, Movie Producers, Internationally know Religious speakers such as Rabbi Jonathan Chan and Pastor Mark Blitz. We were even able to bring on our program the Exec. Producer of the famous movie "God's Not Dead", Mr. Troy Duhon.
We have congregations around the United States, Trinidad, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom and Kenya.
The church also offers LIVE Sabbath each week. We have been assisting various independent God of God groups with setting up local websites in order for them to service more of the brethren around the country. We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for your financial support in carrying out these important works of the church. All United States donations are tax-deductible. An annual receipt will be provided as a record of contributions. Help support this Work |
Help this Work and Website to continue the Important Work of God. All Donations are Tax Deductible. | |
If you prefer to mail in your donation, please use this address: The Church of God, Ministries International 1767 Stumpf Blvd. Gretna, LA. 70056 The Church of God, Ministries International, is a 501(c)(3) religious non-profit organization under the Internal Revenue Code. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contributions, other than intangible religious benefits. |