When Israel Out Of Egypt Went
Psalm 114
Dwight Armstrong

When Isr'el out of Egypt went, and did his dwelling change,
When Jacob's house went out from those that were of language strange,
God Judah made to be his own, and Isr'el His domain.
The sea it saw, and quickly fled, Jordan was driven back.

Like rams the mountains, and like lambs the hills skipped to and fro.
O sea, why turnest thou? Jordan, back why wast thou driven so?
Ye mountains great, wherefore was it that ye did skip like rams?
And wherefore was it, little hills, that ye did leap like lambs?

O at the presence of the Lord, earth, trembled so for fear,
While as the presence of the God of Jacob doth appear:
Who from the hard and stony rock did pools of water bring;
And by his pow'r he turned the flint into a water-spring.