Go Ye Therefore Into All The World
Matthew 28
Mark 16
Dwight Armstrong

Go ye therefore into all the world;
Preach the gospel unto ev'ry one;
Teach all nations to observe all things
I have commanded you.
Baptize them into the Father's name,
In the Holy Spirit's and the Son's;
Lo, I shall be with you to the end; lo,
I am with you alway.

Those who have believed and are baptized
Shall be saved while others are condemn'd;
Then as for those who now do believe,
These signs shall surely follow;
They shall cast out demons in My name;
They shall not be hurt by deadly things;
And they shall lay hands upon the sick,
And the sick shall be made well.

Christ was taken up into the heav'ns After
He had spoken all these words;
There His Father did receive Him and
Place Him at His right hand.
His disciples went out as He said,
And they preached the gospel ev'rywhere;
Christ worked with them and confirmed the word
By those signs which followed them.