The following list of sermons, in both audio and video format, have been presented by our Ministers and/or Guest of The Church of God, Ministries International.
We also post a Featured Sermon of the Month. How do I play/download audio and video files? - General information able viewing and listening to our audio and video sermons. NOTE: Our videos are in a Flash format. You will have to have the Adobe Flash Player to view the sermons. Adobe Flash Player is a FREE program available for Adobe and if you do not have it yet CLICK HERE to download and install it on your computer. We have added a new feature to our online Sermons. You can now download the video in a MP4 format by right clicking and hitting save as to your computer. To view them on a portable device such as Android phones and tablets or the IPods, Tablets and iPhones you will need to go to your App Store and download the FREE App  "Puffin Web Browser"