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Approach the Shadow of
The Fourth Seal

This is Tom Kerry's NEWEST Series Sermon.  It goes into we are in the Shadow of The Fourth Seal of Revelation.
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By: Tom Kerry
July 2024

  CountDown To The Next
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Given by Tom Kerry
May 2024
Spiritual Warfare Ephesians 6:12
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to Order your FREE DVD
Given by Tom Kerry
May, 2024
  CountDown To The Next
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Given by Tom Kerry
May 2024
Times That Try Men's Souls
"From July 4th, 1776 to Isaiah 7:8"
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to Order your FREE DVD

 By: Tom Kerry
June 2024

2024 A Nation In Crisis
And It Doesn't Know It
Tom Kerry
June, 2024

America, Its Rise and Fall

Given by Tom Kerry
Jan 2024
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Your Free DVD
The 2nd Seal of Revelation
Tom Kerry speaks about how we are getting close to the Second Seal of Revelation.
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 By: Tom Kerry
August/September 2023

The Great American Eclipse of 2024
A NEW Sermon
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to Order your FREE DVD

 By: Tom Kerry
March. 2024

When Kings go Forth To War

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Order your FREE DVD

A New 3 Part Series for
Tom Kerry
April 2024
Doomsday Clock
"90 Seconds Till Midnight"
Tom Kerry speaks about how the Doomsday Clock is related to Biblical Prophecy and God's Time Line. A NEW 3 Part Series

 By: Tom Kerry

The Shemitah Cycle Sermon Series
Click Above or on the Image to view

By: Tom Kerry

The Seals of Revelation

Have they Begun?

Tom Kerry's Sermon where he goes into Revelation and talks about the Seals.  Have the Seals already started to open in the world.  Watch how he uses what the Bible has to say and the time we are living in now.
  Armies Surrounding Jerusalem - 2023
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Given by Tom Kerry
Dec. 2023

Evil Spirits Unleashed

This is Tom Kerry's NEWEST 3 Part Sermon.  It goes into how Satan's spirit is being unleashed on the World today.

Order Your Copy Today. Click Here

By: Tom Kerry
July 2023

America's Trojan Horse 2023
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Given by Tom Kerry
July 2023
Are We Living In Biblical Times
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to Order your FREE DVD
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Given by Tom Kerry
June, 2023
The Coming Economic Woes
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Given by Tom Kerry
May, 2023
Tammuz 17
And Sealing the Elect

Tom Kerry speaks about how Tammuz 17 is connected to America and the end time sealing of the Elect. 

 By: Tom Kerry

2023 A Year In Transition
Tom Kerry give use a NEW 2 Part Series cover what we can expect in the coming year 2023. 

Click on the image above to view

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 By: Tom Kerry

  Approaching Our
Waters of Marah
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Given by Tom Kerry
  9th of AV - Day of Sorrow


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Given by Tom Kerry

Click on the image above to
To View Our Newest Series
The Shemitahs
"Gateway to the Millennium"

This is Tom Kerry's NEWEST SERIES.  It goes into the Shemitahs. He Tom talks the complexity of God's 7's and using them to lead us to His Kingdom. And covers events in time just before the millennium.

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Prophetic "Proclamation of Doom"
Click Above or on the Image to view

Prince Charles of England made this Proclamation on Nov. 1, 2021 before he became King of England.  By what he said, Tom Kerry goes into how this could be a scenario to end time events.
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Click on the image above to
To View Our Newest Series
Two Wings of A Great Eagle

This is Tom Kerry's NEWEST SERIES.  It goes into God's Place of Safety. He Tom talks above Rev. 12:14 and the protection of the eagle wings.

The Seals of Revelation

Have they Begun?

Tom Kerry's NEWEST Sermon where he goes into Revelation and talks about the Seals.  Have the Seals already started to open in the world.  Watch how he uses what the Bible has to say and the time we are living in now.
The Shall Bring You Before Magistrates
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Given by Tom Kerry
  Wars And Rumors of Wars
But the end is not yet

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Given by Tom Kerry
  Walking in the Footsteps of Jeremiah

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Given by Tom Kerry
Wearing Out The Saints

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Given by Tom Kerry
Racing to the
Mark of the Beast
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Given by Tom Kerry
The Biblical Mystery of the

Battle of New Orleans

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Given by Tom Kerry
January 1, 2022
  Preparing For Your Destiny in the
Kingdom of God

Kings and Priests

A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
December 2021
A Nation In Crisis
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Given by Tom Kerry

A 3 Part Series on

Satan's Counterfeit Deception
Given by Tom Kerry
Has America Become
The Proverbial Frog
in the Boiling Pot
Given by Tom Kerry
the Beast of Revelation

A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
June/July 2021
Exposing The Elect
"Satan's End Time Target"

A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
June 2021
What is Happening to
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Given by Tom Kerry
May 2021
Pentecost 2021
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Given by Tom Kerry
Keep Your Fork
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Given by Tom Kerry
The Prophets
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Given by Tom Kerry
"King of Judah”
A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
March 2021
The Four Chaplains
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Given by Tom Kerry
Prophecy Timeline Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Pre War Normalization

A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Lessons From Lincoln

A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
Breach of America’s Walls
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Given by Tom Kerry
The Nation That Got
What It Asked For
A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
The Age of Lawlessness
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Given by Tom Kerry
  The Choice
Egypt or Promise Land
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Given by Tom Kerry
  Is This How It Begins
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Given by Tom Kerry



An 8 Part Series
Given by Various Speakers
On the Edge of Eternity

A 4 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
From Out of the Mouth of
Two Witnesses
Handwriting On The Wall
Given by Tom Kerry
Propaganda – Lessons For The End of Days
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Given by Tom Kerry
The Coming Age of Conspiracies and False Prophets
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Given by Tom Kerry
Lessons From Lincoln

A 3 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
  Corona Virus
Warning for the Future
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Given by Tom Kerry
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Given by Tom Kerry
  Can God Call Good,
What He Has Called Evil
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Given by Tom Kerry
  Wearing Down
of The Saints
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Given by Tom Kerry
At Dawn We Slept
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Given by Tom Kerry
Clouds on the Horizon
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Given by Tom Kerry
The 2020’s “The Coming Decade of Change”
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Given by Tom Kerry
Day of the Lord Revisited

A NEW 4 Parts Series
Given by Tom Kerry
  Pride –
The Gate Keeper of Sin
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Given by Tom Kerry
I Show You A Mystery
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Given by Tom Kerry
  Point in Which “Time” Touches Eternity
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Given by Tom Kerry
  Proclaiming Liberty
to the Captives
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Given by Tom Kerry
  Who Controls the Weather
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Given by Tom Kerry
  The Tale of 2 Churches
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Given by Tom Kerry
  Roaring Seas

A 2 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry
  Deception and
Lying Wonders
A 4 Part Series
Given by Tom Kerry