The following list of sermons, in both audio and video format, have been presented by our Ministers and/or Guests of The Church of God, Ministries International.  We also post a Featured Sermon of the Month. 
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We have added a new feature to our online Sermons.  You can now download the video in a MP4 format by right clicking and hitting save as to your computer.

Click here for our Video Series Page
Feast of Trumpets 2023
"He Is King of Kings
Download or Play MP4

 By: Tom Kerry
September 2023

Stop, Drop and Pray
Given by Steve Councell

Promises of God
Clayton Evans

Trouble With Traditons of Men
Chuck Hunt Jr.


  Day of Atonement 2023
Download or Play Video  MP4
Given by Bruce Chapman
The 2nd Seal of Revelation
Download or Play Video  MP4

 By: Tom Kerry
Oct. 2023

Promises of Reconciliation

Download or Play Video   MP4

By: Steve Councell
Sept. 2023

The Glory of the Kingdom
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Given by Chuck Hunt Jr.

Persevering Toward A Goal
Chuck Hunt Jr.

What Are The Sign of Who We Are
Clayton Evans

Anchored in Christ
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Be Zealous

Steve Councell

Beyond the Horizon
Danny Ellis

False Prophets and False Teachers
Chuck Baker

Out of the Darkness - Into the Light
Josh Hunt

Loving Our Brethren and Dealing With Conflict

Steve Councell

"A Year of Deeping
Pain and Sorrow
Download or Play Video   MP4
Given by Tom Kerry
Jan. 2024

Thy Kingdom Come
Danny Ellis

Armies Surrounding Jerusalem - 2023

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Order Your Own Copy Today
Given by Tom Kerry
Dec. 2023
"Expanding The Economic Woes
Entering Into The 2nd Year of Lean"
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Given by Tom Kerry
Dec. 2023

Promises of God Part 2
Clayton Evans

Pause and Give Thanks
Chuck Hunt Jr.

James Writes A Letter
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Invitation to Stand
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Waiting Patiently On The Lord
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Self-Control Leads to Righteousness
Chuck Hunt Jr.

God's Love Endures Forever
Chuck Hunt Jr.

The Comfort of God In Your Life
Clayton Evans

The Preparation

Steve Councell

Trust In The Promises
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Pentecost 2024

Steve Councell

Hold Fast to Christ
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Today If You Hear His Voice

Steve Councell

Warrior - Child of Christ
Chuck Hunt Jr.

The Excellent Way of Integrity
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Hold Fast to Christ
Chuck Hunt Jr.

The Lord of the Sabbath
Chuck Baker

Anchordered In Christ
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Commitment Revisited
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Go Forward
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Comfort Food Scripture
Chuck Hunt Jr.

Jesus Is Out Savor
Clayton Evans

Prefect Love Cast Out Fear
Chuck Hunt Jr.


Steve Councell