Puzzle 13


1. Aramaic for "father" (Rom. 8:15)
5. "___ without ceasing" (1 Thess. 5:17)
9. Flap or loop
12. "They have ... sold a ___ for wine" (Joel 3:3)
13. "They put on Jesus a scarlet ___" (Matt. 27:28)
14. King of Judah (I Kings 15:8)
15. Russian mountain range
16. Leave out
17. "He rebuked the ___ sea and it dried up" (Ps. 106:9)
18. First garden (Gen 2:8)
19. Enclosed motor truck
20. "O that there ___ such a heart in them" (Deut. 5:29)
21. Verb of being
23. Ordinal number ending
25. "Thrice was I ___ with rods" (2 Cor. 11:25)
28. The Good Samaritan went down the ___ ___ Jericho (2 words)
32. King of Israel (1 Kings 16:16)
33. Land frog
34. "There came down ___ ___ of wind" (2 words, Luke 8:23)
37. Monastic brotherhood in pre-Christian Palestine
39. Combining form meaning "new"
40. ___ Paulo, Brazil
41. Minor prophet
44. Small bed
46. "Christ shall reign for ever and ___" (Rev. 11:15)
50. Thirteenth letter of Hebrew alphabet
51. Vegetable used in gumbo soup
52. Weather indicator
53. East-northeast
54. "Jacob went near and Isaac ___ him" (Gen. 27:22)
55. Esau's father-in-law (Gen. 26:34)
56. Joshua was the son of ___ (Exod. 33:11)
57. "He shall be like a ___ planted by the rivers" (Ps. 1:3)
58. "Come ye apart... and ___ a while" (Mark 6:31)
1. Chills and fever
2. "Flee as a ___ to your mountain" (Ps. 11:1)
3. Hillside along a river (Scot.)
4. "The Lord is high above ___ ___" (2 words, Ps. 113:4)
5. Examined, tested (Ps. 26:2)
6. Rome (Ital.)
7. Alternate spelling for Abner
8. "Though he slay me, ___ will I trust him" (Job 13:15)
9. "The king arose and ___ his garments" (2 Sam. 13:31)
10. Anna was of the tribe of ___ (Luke 2:36)
11. "The Spirit ___ me go with them" (Acts 11:12)
20. "I know that ___ God doeth, it shall be forever" (Eccl. 3:14)
22. Musical note
24. "___ everything there is a season" (Eccl. 3:1)
25. ___ constrictor
26. Printer's measures
27. "... after the ___ of the apothecary" (Exod. 30:25)
29. Female deer
30. Light brown
31. Lyric poem
35. Musical note
36. "Wine is a ___" (Prov. 20:1)
37. "Let the king give her royal ___ to another" (Esth. 1:19)
38. Salvation Army (abbr.)
41. "Let all the people say ___" (Ps. 106:48)
42. List of dishes to be served
43. Sign believed to foretell a future event
45. Heraldic band or fillet
47. "The ___ of Siddim was full of slime pits" (Gen. 14:10)
48. Son of Seth (Gen. 4:26)
49. "Joseph is without doubt ___ in pieces" (Gen. 37:33)
51. "How ___ shall my brother sin against me?" (Matt. 18:21

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