Puzzle 18





1. Solomon's tax officer (1 Kings 4:6)
5. "Jacob ___ pottage" (Genesis 25:29)
8. The Samaritan "took ___ of him" (Luke 10:34)
12. "They were the ___ of him" (2 Chronicles 28:23)
13. Woman's name
14. Teman's brother (Genesis 36:11)
15. Mountain near Lebanon (Song of Solomon 4:8)
17. Ozem's brother (1 Chronicles 2:25)
19. Northeast (abbr.)
20. Beast of burden (Matthew 21:2)
22. "Give me children, or ___ I die" (Genesis 30:1)
24. Shaft horsepower (abbr.)
27. "I ___ no pleasant bread" (Daniel 10:3)
29. "___ ___ carried into Egypt" (2 words, Hosea 12:1)
32. South American wildcat
34. "According to his ___ mercy" (1 Peter 1:3)
36. First garden (Genesis 2:8)
37. Republican (abbr.)
38. Tower near Bethlehem (Genesis 35:21)
39. Hearken not to diviners of ___ (Jeremiah 27:9)
41. Frog genus
42. ___ Domingo
43. Shem (Gr., Luke 3:36)
45. Exclamation
46. Pretense, imposture
48. "From the ___ to the bottom" (Matthew 27:51)
50. Each (abbr.)
52. Samson's rock home (Judges 15:8)
54. "The people ___ down upon their knees" (Judges 7:6)
58. First man (Genesis 2:19)
60. "The sky is ___" (Matthew 16:2)
62. "James the ___" (Mark 15:40)
63. Genus of flower
64. Telegraph money order (abbr.)
65. State (Fr.)
1. Son of Jether (1 Chronicles 7:38)
2. Hobo
3. Day (Span.)
4. Prophetess (Luke 2:36)
5. Yes (Span.)
6. Town built by Eber (1 Chronicles 8:12)
7. "Some would even ___ to die" (Romans 5:7)
8. "___ the lilies of the field" (Matthew 6:28)
9. "___ I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4:9)
10. "They ___ the ship aground" (Acts 27:41)
11. Before (Numbers 14:11)
16. King of Judah (1 Kings 15:8)
18. Esau's father-in-law (Genesis 26:34)
21. Gaze (Psalms 22:17)
23. Son of Ephraim (1 Chronicles 7:20)
24. "Some ___ fell by the wayside" (Matthew 13:4)
25. Serpent slain by Hercules
26. Grooms
28. Hebrew family head (poss., )
30. Insipid
31. Wander
33. "Let him be ___ Maranatha" (1 Corinthians 16:22)
35. Overturned
40. Deep, water-filled trench
44. Crowd
47. Market (Isaiah 23:3)
49. Moses "put it upon a ___" (Numbers 21:9)
51. Fuss (Mark 5:39)
53. Letter of Hebrew alphabet (Psalms 119)
55. "___ with the dew of heaven" (Daniel 4:15)
56. Wage-price agency (abbr.)
57. Daylight Savings Time (abbr.)
59. "Even ___ Christ forgave you" (Colossians 3:13)
61. "So also ___ ye" (Colossians 3:13)

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